viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Stefanie 21 meses!!! 21 Months!

Mi princesa esta solo 3 meses de cumplir 2 añitos!!! Ella es tan amorosa y preciosa! cada vez que le vamos a hablar seriamente ella tira una carcajada para hacernos reir. Ama Lazy Town Acus (Sportacus) y Fanny (Stephanie) tambien Angelina Ballerina por su naturaleza activa. Juega al futbol y le encanta arrancar flores y tenerlas con ella todo el día. No debo olvidar que te encanta el agua y pasar tiempo con tus familiares. En la casa del abuelo muere por jugar con tu tio Kape (Iván) y con Dina la perrita, bueno hay tantas cosas bellas sobre esta niña, la amo con el corazón!

my princess is only 3 months away from her 2 years old birthday! she is so loving and beautiful! every time we're going to talk seriously to her she laugh out loud to make us laugh too. She loves lazy town Acus (Sportacus) and Fanny (stephanie) also angelina ballerina because of  her active nature. She plays soccer and loves to pick flowers and take them with her all day. I must not forget that she loves water and to spend time with family. At her grandfather's house she likes to play with her uncle kape (Ivan) and Dina the dog, well there are so many beautiful things about this girl, I love her with all my heart! 

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