Para no desperdiciar estas lindas latas lo que hago es forrarlas con papel de regalo de todos los regalos que Stefy recibio en los babyshowers, arriba y abajo pongo cinta brillante y decoro las tapas de la forma creativa que me venga a la mente, todos diferentes no hay limites, los uso para regalos, para guardar cosas de la bebe o para la cocina, super utiles y el proceso de hacerlos muy divertido!
Not to waste the cute formula cans I cover them with gift wrap paper from the many gift Stefy received in the babyshowers, on the top and bottom I put shiny tape and I decorate the lid in many creative ways, whatever comes to mind, there are not limits!! I use them for gifts, to keep my baby`s stuff, in the kitchen, they are super useful and the process of making them is super fun!
Y mas por venir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And more to come!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comentario:
Great tip! My sister-in-law and brother just had their first baby. I'll have to let her know about this!
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