Here is a hanging toy I made. It is similar as the one I made for the crib that you can see HERE but, this one is for the stroller, Stefanie as all babies loves to see colorful and moving things and his stroller didn`t have any so I made this toy with a lady bug from a key chain I had and some colorful bids. It turn out really nice and my baby loves to look at it.
Aca esta un juguete colgante que hise. Es similar al que hise para la cuna que puedes ver AQUI pero este es para el carrito, a Stefanie como a todos los bebes le encanta mirar cosas coloridas y que se mueven y su carrito no tenia ningun juguete asi que le hise uno con un escarabajito que tenia de un llavero y unas cuentas coloridas y salio super bien y a mi bebe le encanta mirarlo :)
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