viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Poster de aliento / Cheerful poster.

Con las dos mejores notas mi esposo que como se darán cuenta es super creativo me hiso este poster con protectores de pagina, cinta brillante e hilo, que linda sorpresa y lo miro para recordar que hay gente maravillosa que me ama :)
Using the best two notes I received my husband, who is very creative as you can see, made this poster with page protectors, shiny tape and thread, what a nice surprise and I look at it to remind myself there are wonderful people who love me :)

Una vez más me ha sorprendido con su creatividad, creo que debo cambiar el nombre del blog a Vanessa & Ruben´s Creative Projects, suena bien no?
Once again he surprised me with his creativity, I think I should change the blog´s name to Vanessa and Ruben´s Creative Projects, sounds good, don´t you think?

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