sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011

2012 Welcome!

I don´t know really who reads my blog because I don´t get a lot of comments. LeChele thanks so much for your comments, I know you are always reading and I am so thankful for that because we are friends forever. But I tried to share a little bit of my life in this blog and I hope you enjoyed it during 2011. I love blogging and next year I want to keep sharing my life. I want to keep progressing and being the person Heavenly Father wants me to be with my husband and my baby girl. I am so grateful for this year and hope all of the people reading have a wonderful 2012.
I share this with some of the simple things that can make 2012 a wonderful year and just so you know, it is herbal tea not bad tea

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

My word for 2012 is: Self-control

I chose this word because that is what I want to learn during 2012.

It includes many aspects of my life:
1. Food: I want to have self-control with the food I eat. I usually don´t think about the results of eating junk food all the time but I can see them, like being overweight and not feeling good, being too nervous, things like that. I want to think more in the long term and how I will feel I found a quote about it. There is always going to be junk food, it won´t be over just because I don´t eat it and I will feel much better.
2. Exercise: I have to exercise because it is good to me, it is the opposite of food, you feel bad at first but you feel great after so that´s one of my goals even if it is just walking.
3. Money: I am very focused in money management and how to become debt free. I am going to think were I spend my money, many times I think I deserve to spend my money because I earned it but I use it in thinks that won´t make me happy in the long term, like food, we go back to the first item or fashionable clothing that gets old very fast. So I am going to focus on becoming debt free other than my house payment and manage my money better controlling my spending habit.
4. Scriptures: reading scriptures instead of going on facebook or watching TV will help me feel better and be in peace with myself and others.
5. Mother: If I am a mother with self-control I am more capable of teaching it to my sweet daughter so she will have the power to accomplish whatever she wants.

This is all from now, this is my word and I am going to work in an inner part of my life.

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Just thinking...

No quiero dejar de escribir en mi blog, lo he dejado por un tiempo, desde que me mude a mi casa propia no he escrito mucho pero si tengo algunos proyectos creativos y la vida en si. Estoy haciendo un curso de photoshop porque me encanta crear y las fotos son mi pasion aunque no me he dedicado mucho a eso tampoco recientemente, ¿que me pasa? pues quiero cambiar mi vida en un aspecto, todavia no es el tiempo pero pronto lo será. Me estoy dedicando mucho a la historia familiar tambien y ayudando a otros, estoy enfocada en mi familia Girett osea de mi lado materno y ya he recaudado mucho datos, me falta un monton pero sigo en la lucha. Mis llamamientos en la Iglesia son de secretaria de la primaria y consultora de historia familiar, me estoy adaptando tambien a  mi nuevo barrio, en la lucha constante. Mi hija Stefanie  habla muchisimo y es fanatica del futbol, tiene mucho potencial como deportista y yo voy a empezar a estudiar administracion de empresas en Agosto, tengo demasiadas cosas pero no me quiero olvidar de registrar todo lo que hago para tenerlo de recuerdo y contar mis bendiciones.

De cachivachera a Minimalista, sera posible? / From pack rat to minimalist, is this possible?

Admito, soy cachivachera, tengo cosas de hace 10 años que están intactas y ahora Stefy las rompe, bueno esa es otra historia. Admito que tengo cosas que no me sirven y ahora despues de la mudanza hace 6 meses me estoy dando cuenta, quiero deshacerme de las cosas inservibles. Voy a ir comentando como va estre proceso, no es facil pero lo lograré. Hay que abrir paso a nuevas cosas en la vida para poder ser feliz en cada una de las etapas.

I admit, I am a pack rat, I have stuff from 10 years ago that are brand new, well Stefanie is breaking them now and stuff but that´s another story. I admit I have plenty of stuff that are useless and now after 6 month living at my own house I am realizing that, I want to get rid of all that junk. I am going to update the process here regularly. It is not easy to get rid of things but I will make it. We have to make room for new things into our lives, to be able to be happy in each of the stages of our lives. 

Thanksgiving!!!/ Dia de acciòn de gracias!!!!

Estoy agradecida por mi hija y mi esposo, ellos son lo mas importante para mi, ayer fue la clausura de la guarde y estos son los trabajitos de mi princesa.

I am grateful for my daughter and my husband, they are the most important thing for me, yesterday was the presentation from day-care, here are my baby`s art samples.

Thanksgiving!!!/ Dia de acciòn de gracias!!!!

Estoy agradecida por mi hija y mi esposo, ellos son lo mas importante para mi, ayer fue la clausura de la guarde y estos son los trabajitos de mi princesa.

I am grateful for my daughter and my husband, they are the most important thing for me, yesterday was the presentation from day-care, here are my baby`s art samples.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

My camera is not working!!!

I would like to include tons of pictures to show how I feel but my camera broke so I´ll just have to wait...Pictures can show so many emotions, they are priceless, soon this blog will be colorful and nice again.


I decided to make this blog, just a corner of the world where people can come to get to know me, if they want of just read a bit, or exchange ideas, I would like to have a community, at least I know someone is reading, I plan to make this blog a reflexion of how I want to live life and the things that make me happy. Sometimes I think, I wish nobody reads this, sometimes I hope tons of people would read it. I meditate on the value of life and all that we take for granted, we need to live every minute to the fullest because one day you are here, the next maybe not, I am preaching this especially to myself cause I need it.