miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010
Portaretrato romantico/ Romantic Frame
My husband wrote our names in this creative way. He is very creative and is always drawing or writing something, I love that about him. We received this frame in our wedding so I took his drawing put a golden background on it and put it on the golden and silver frame, I think it looks very elegant and is a great reminder of our love :)
Mi esposo escribio nuestros nombres en esta manera muy creativa. El es muy creativo y siempre esta dibujando o escribiendo algo, me encanta eso de el. Nos regalaron este portaretratos en nuestro casamiento asi que puse su dibujo con un fondo dorado y lo puse en el portaretrato dorado y plateado. Pienso que se ve muy elegante y es un muy buen recordatorio de nuestro amor :)
viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010
3 month photos/ Sesion de fotos de 3 meses!
Estas fotos fueron sacadas por su papi, ahora tengo la meta de hacer una sesion de fotos por mes asi puedo imprimirla y guardar en mi album para que ella pueda verlas en el futuro.
This photos were taken by her daddy, now I have the goal to make a collage for every month so I can print it and keep it for her to see in the future.
jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
Polka Dots for mommy and baby/ Motitas para la mami y la bebe.
Tengo una blusa a motas como esta pero marron y rosado:
I have a polka dot blouse like this one but brown and pink:
No me gusto la parte de abajo asi que la mande quitar y tuve la idea de hacer vinchitas y cintos para que mi bebe haga juego conmigo y quedo preciosa!
I didn`t like the bottom part so I took it from the blouse and made hair bands and belts for my baby to match my blouses and it turned out so cute!
Nos encantan las motitas!
We are loving the Polka Dots! aren´t you?
We are loving the Polka Dots! aren´t you?
lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010
Challenge #1 2010 O Libro de Mórmon.
Last year I was Young Women President of my ward (Sajonia) now I am a Seminary Teacher, I had the goal to complete my Personal Progress as a leader or former leader and my faith proyect is to finish reading the Book of Mormon in Portuguese, it is taking me a long time to finish so I decided to make it a challenge to finish in 2 weeks, starting today monday, March 22nd to Monday, April 5th, I am going to read everywhere! I know I will make it and I will let you know, do you dear to accept the challenge?
miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010
Pillow case/ funda de almohada.
Cuando era niña me encantaba saltar en la cama asi que hise esta funda con un niño saltando, me encanta el piyama que tiene y los ojos de botones. ¿Que piensan?
When I was a little girl I use to love jumping on the beds so I made this little guy jumping, I love his payamas and the eyes. What do you think?
First day of Seminary!/ Primer día de seminario!
Seminario es una clase donde los jóvenes estudian las escrituras, en el caso de mi barrio (Sajonia) tenemos clases de martes a viernes y este año estudiaremos el Libro de Mormón. Estoy muy contenta de enseñar ya que es mi profesion y aun mas las escrituras a estos jovenes tan especiales.
Seminary is a youth class where they study the scriptures, in my ward (Sajonia) we have classes from Tuesday to Friday and I am the teacher :). This year we are going to study the Book of Mormon. I am very happy to teach since it is my occupation and is even better to teach the scripture to such special youth.
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010
Tarjeta tipo acordeon / Acordeon card
Aprendí a hacer esta tarjeta en Art Attack en Disney Channel, es muy original porque al estirar el hilo o cinta que le pones se puede ver un mensaje que en este caso es TE AMO :)
I learnt how to make this card in Art Attach in Disney Channell, it is very unique, when you pull the string it shows the message you put, in this case TE AMO which is I LOVE YOU!
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010
Pantaloncito para bebe/ Baby Pants.
Estos son los pantaloncitos que hise para mi bebe cuando estaba embarazada, una hermana que es un amor llamada Miriam se quedaba conmigo despues de hora en mi trabajo y me enseñaba a hacerlos en la maquina overlock, salieron bastante lindos, ahora a los casi 3 meses todavia le quedan bien cuando refresca un poco.
This are the pants I sewed for my baby when I was pregnant, a sister from work called Miriam stayed with me after work and taught me how to use the overlock machine, they turn out cute, now they still fit my baby and she is almost 3 months, she only wears them when it is cool.
This are the pants I sewed for my baby when I was pregnant, a sister from work called Miriam stayed with me after work and taught me how to use the overlock machine, they turn out cute, now they still fit my baby and she is almost 3 months, she only wears them when it is cool.
martes, 9 de marzo de 2010
Primera visita al Templo de Stefanie/ Stefanie`s first Temple visit.
Estoy tan feliz y me siento tan bendecida de tener esta pequeña familia llena de amor, pudimos visitar el Templo juntos y eso nos une aun más, no sabia que tanto amor podia existir.
I am very happy and I feel very blessed to have my little family full of love, we visited the Temple together and that made us even more united, I didn´t know so much love could exist.
Linda cartuchera /Cute Pencilcase
Hice esta cartuchera cuando estaba en 1er o 2do curso me parece muy linda y hasta ahora la guardo, como ven es muy simple pero queda muy linda :)
I made this pencil case when I was in 7th or 8th grade, I think it is very cute, I still keep it and it is very easy to make as you can see but still cute :)
my baby`s toy / Juguete de mi bebe.
Estos son los peluches colgantes que hice para la cuna de Stefy, a ella le encantan y la tranquiliza verlos moverse, me pone tan contenta cuanto le gustan, lo que hice fue atar una cinta a los peluches y poner mis canutillos grandes y hacer un nudo para que se puedan colgar. Como ven tambien pueden ser decoracion de la pieza del bebe. No son lindos?
This are the hanging stuff animals I made for Stefy, she loves them so much, they calm her down and it makes me very happy because it was worth all the work I put into them. What I did was tied the stuff animal to some ribbon lace and I put my bigger bids of many colors at the end I tied so it can hang anywhere, as you can see they can be decoration on the baby`s room too. Aren`t they cute>?
This are the hanging stuff animals I made for Stefy, she loves them so much, they calm her down and it makes me very happy because it was worth all the work I put into them. What I did was tied the stuff animal to some ribbon lace and I put my bigger bids of many colors at the end I tied so it can hang anywhere, as you can see they can be decoration on the baby`s room too. Aren`t they cute>?
martes, 2 de marzo de 2010
Notas que me llegaron al corazón.
Ayer fue mi primer dia de trabajo en Beehive, contrario a mis expectativas paso muy muy rápido y pronto pude estar con mi pequeñita, estas notas son las que recibi, una de mi niña y la otra de mis compañeros de Beehive, me hicieron pasar un lindo dia.
Yesterday was my first working day at Beehive, opposite to my expectations it went by quickly and soon I was at home with my little one, this notes I received, one from my lil girl and the other from my co-workers at Beehive, they made the day!
She`s here! Esta aqui!

Como se daran cuenta, Stefanie esta aqui! y ocupa nuestra vida y nuestros pensamientos, estamos muy felices de tenerla con nosotros y verla crecer y aprender cada dìa.
As you can see, Stefanie is already here and she keeps our lives busy and our thoughts, we are very happy to have her home with us and see her growing and learning.
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